Deep sea fishing catch

Monster Shark Tournament Charters Company

Monster Shark Tournament

Fishing For Mako Sharks
Shark Fishing Prices
Monster Shark Tournament

Shark Photos | Shark Recipes | Shark Fishing Pricing | What to Bring
Mako Shark | Monster Shark Tournament | Reservations

Ever want to participate in a monster shark tournament but didn't know how to go about it? Contact Big Fish Charters and ask us how we can help you participate in the annual Oaks Bluff Tournament out of Martha's Vineyard.

Or maybe you've heard of the monster tournament, but weren't quite sure what it was. To be clear, it is what it sounds like. It is an exciting competition, usually lasting a couple of days, to see who can catch the largest sharks in the area. Thresher, Porbeagle and Mako are all fair game in the tournament (have alook at what you might find with these shark photos). And to keep the 'monster' label accurate, there are healthy minimum weight limits in order to have a shark qualify.

If this is an opportunity that peaks your interest, give Big Fish Charters a call and see if there are spots in our fleet for any upcoming monster shark tournaments. Also be sure to check out our daily shark fishing charters to enjoy the chase in a more relaxing environment.

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Big Fish Charters
PO Box 238
Marshfield Hills, MA 02051
Phone: 781-834-7504
[email protected]